April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month

Caring for yourself and your loved one


Parkinson’s Disease affects over 60,000 American’s each year. There is no established cause for the disease, and there isn’t a “one-size fits all” treatment. April is Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month.

 Parkinson’s is a progressive disease, meaning that it can change over time. In late stages, speech function, mental function and body functions can all be affected. If you’re a caregiver to someone who has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, it’s important to understand that as a caregiver your role in this person’s life may change over time as well. 

Your responsibilities may include assisting with daily activities, managing medications and making financial decisions. However, your caregiving responsibilities may not be limited to physical tasks — especially early on. It’s important to remember that care can also be emotional and spiritual. A supportive network is essential for the wellbeing of the person with Parkinson’s as well as the caregiver. 

“Making sure you, the caregiver, are taken care of, too, can help create a productive partnership that minimizes stress and conflict,” said The Landings of Cabarrus Executive Director, Debbie Hummel. “Utilizing respite care, or short-term stays at communities like The Landings of Cabarrus can help relieve burdens of giving care to those with Parkinson’s, ultimately improving your role as a caregiver overall.”

Whether you care for someone who was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, or you’re adapting to new challenges that occur as the disease progresses, it’s important to understand this diagnosis so proper care and support can be provided.

Parkinson’s Disease transpires when a loss of dopamine occurs in the brain and the Central Nervous System isn’t able to correctly communicate with the body’s muscles to allow for smooth mobility. Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease vary, but can include trembling, shaking, being off balance, slow and stiff movements, and a lack of coordination. These muscle movements are involuntary and cannot be controlled without treatment or medication. With medical interference, Parkinson’s can be successfully managed. 

The clinical teams at The Landings of Cabarrus are trained to provide excellent care and support to all residents, including those with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s. If you would like to learn more about our care services and the support our community could provide you or your loved one who is managing Parkinson’s, call us at 704-933-4000.

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